Location: Beirut, Lebanon

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Israeli Operatives in the U.S.

By Jeff Gates

July 20, 2010 "Veterans Today" -- Americans know that something
fundamental is amiss. They sense—rightly—that they are being misled no
matter which political party does the leading.

A long misinformed public lacks the tools to grasp how they are being
deceived. Without those tools, Americans will continue to be
frustrated at being played for the fool.

When the “con” is clearly seen, “the mark” (that’s us) will see that
all roads lead to the same duplicitous source: Israel and its
operatives. The secret to Israel’s force-multiplier in the U.S. is its
use of agents, assets and sayanim (Hebrew for volunteers).

When Israeli-American Jonathan Pollard was arrested for spying in
1986, Tel Aviv assured us that he was not an Israeli agent but part of
a “rogue” operation. That was a lie.

Only 12 years later did Tel Aviv concede that he was an Israeli spy
the entire time he was stealing U.S. military secrets. That
espionage—by a purported ally—damaged our national security more than
any operation in U.S. history.

In short, Israel played us for the fool.

>From 1981-1985, this U.S. Navy intelligence analyst provided Israel
with 360 cubic feet of classified military documents on Soviet arms
shipments, Pakistani nuclear weapons, Libyan air defense systems and
other intelligence sought by Tel Aviv to advance its geopolitical

Agents differ from assets and sayanim. Agents possess the requisite
mental state to be convicted of treason, a capital crime. Under U.S.
law, that internal state is what distinguishes premeditated murder
from a lesser crime such as involuntary manslaughter. Though there’s a
death in either case, the legal liabilities are different—for a

Intent is the factor that determines personal culpability. That
distinction traces its roots to a widely shared belief in free will as
a key component that distinguishes humans from animals.

Agents operate with premeditation and “extreme malice” or what the law
describes as an “evil mind.” Though that describes the mental state of
Jonathan Pollard, Israeli leaders assured us otherwise—another example
of an evil mind as the U.S. was played for the fool.

Played for the Fool, Again

Pollard took from his office more than one million documents for
copying by his Israeli handler. When those classified materials were
transferred to the Soviets, reportedly in exchange for the emigration
of Russian Jews, this spy operation shifted the entire dynamics of the
Cold War.

To put a price tag on this espionage, imagine $20 trillion in U.S.
Cold War defense outlays from 1948-1989 (in 2010 dollars). The bulk of
that investment in national security was negated by a spy working for
a nation that pretended throughout to be a U.S. ally.

Pollard was sentenced to life in prison. Israel suffered no
consequences. None. Zero. Nada. Not then. Not now. Then as now, we
were played for the fool.

At trial, Pollard claimed he wasn’t stealing from the U.S.; he was
stealing secrets for Israel—with whom the U.S. has long had a “special
relationship.” He thought we should have shared our military secrets
with them. That’s chutzpah. That also confirms we were played for the

Looking back, it’s easy to see how seamlessly we segued from a global
Cold War to a global War on Terrorism. In retrospect, the false
intelligence used to induce our invasion of Iraq was traceable to
Israelis, pro-Israelis or Israeli assets such as John McCain (see

Even while in prison, Pollard’s iconic status among Israelis played a
strategic role. Was it just coincidence that Tel Aviv announced a $1
million grant to their master spy less than two weeks before 911? Is
that how Israel signaled its operatives in the U.S.?

Did that grant have any relationship to the “dancing Israelis” who
were found filming and celebrating that mass murder as both jets
smashed into the World Trade Center?

Absent that provocation, would we now find ourselves at war in the
Middle East? Surely no one still believes that America’s interests are
being advanced in a quagmire that has now become the longest war in
U.S. history.

“I know what America is,” Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of Israelis
in 2001, apparently not knowing his words were being recorded.
“America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right

Let’s face it: the U.S. was again played for the fool.

With oversight by Israeli case officers (katsas), Israeli operations
proceed in the U.S. by using agents, assets and volunteers (sayanim).
Let’s take a closer look at each.

The Sayanim System

Sayanim (singular sayan) are shielded from conventional legal
culpability by being told only enough to perform their narrow role.
Though their help may be essential to the success of an Israeli
operation, these volunteers (sayanim also means helpers) could pass a
polygraph test because their recruiters ensure they remain ignorant of
the overall goals of an operation.

In other words, a sayan can operate as an accomplice but still not be
legally liable due to a lack of the requisite intent regarding the
broader goals—of which they are purposely kept ignorant. Does that
intentional “ignorance” absolve them of liability under U.S. law? So
far, yes.

Much like military reservists, sayanim are activated when needed to
support an operation. By agreeing to be available to help Israel, they
provide an on-call undercover corps and force-multiplier that can be
deployed on short notice.

How are sayanim called to action? To date, there’s been no attempt by
U.S. officials to clarify that key point. This may explain why Pollard
was again in the news on July 13th with a high-profile Israeli
commemoration of his 9000th day of incarceration.

To show solidarity with this Israeli-American traitor, the lights
encircling Jerusalem were darkened while an appeal was projected onto
the walls of the Old City urging that President Obama order Pollard’s
release from federal prison.

Pollard has long been a rallying point for Jewish nationalists,
Zionist extremists and ultra-orthodox ideologues. In short, just the
sort of people who would be likely recruits as sayanim. The news
coverage given this Day of Adoration may help explain how Israel
signals its helpers that an operation is underway and in need of their

Are pro-Israelis once again playing Americans for the fool?

When not aiding an ongoing operation, sayanim gather and report
intelligence useful to Israel. This volunteer corps is deeply imbedded
in legislative bodies, particularly in the U.S.

Thus far, this Israeli operation has advanced with legal impunity as
the Israel lobby—though acting as a foreign agent—continues even now
to pose as a “domestic” operation.

Morris Amitay, former executive director of the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee, explains how this invisible cadre aids the Israel
lobby in advancing its geopolitical agenda:

“There are a lot of guys at the working level up here [on Capitol
Hill]…who happen to be Jewish, who are willing…to look at certain
issues in terms of their Jewishness…These are all guys who are in a
position to make the decision in these areas for those senators…You
can get an awful lot done just at the staff level.”

What sayanim are not told by their katsas is that an Israeli operation
may endanger not only Israel but also the broader Jewish community
when these operations are linked to extremism, terrorism, organized
crime, espionage and treason. Though sayanim “must be 100 percent
Jewish,” Ostrovsky reports in By Way of Deception (1990):

“…the Mossad does not seem to care how devastating it could be to the
status of the Jewish people in the Diaspora if it was known. The
answer you get if you ask is: “So what’s the worst that could happen
to those Jews? They’d all come to Israel. Great!” [Mossad is the
intelligence and foreign operations directorate for Israel.]

Assets, Agents and Sayanim

Assets are people profiled in sufficient depth that they can be relied
upon to perform consistent with their profile. Such people typically
lack the state of mind required for criminal culpability because they
lack the requisite intent to commit a crime.

Nevertheless, assets are critical to the success of Israeli operations
in the U.S. They help simply by pursuing their profiled personal
needs—typically for recognition, influence, money, sex, drugs or the
greatest drug of all: ideology.

Thus the mission-critical task fulfilled by political assets that the
Israel lobby “produces” for long-term service in the Congress—while
appearing to represent their U.S. constituents.

Put a profiled asset in a pre-staged time, place and circumstance—over
which the Israel lobby can exert considerable influence—and Israeli
psy-ops specialists can be confident that, within an acceptable range
of probabilities, an asset will act consistent with his or her

Democrat or Republican is irrelevant; the strategic point remains the
same: to ensure that lawmakers perform consistent with Israel’s
interests. With the help of McCain-Feingold campaign finance “reform,”
the Israel lobby attained virtual control over the U.S. Congress.

The performance of assets in the political sphere can be anticipated
with sufficient confidence that outcomes become foreseeable—within an
acceptable range of probabilities. How difficult was it to predict the
outcome when Bill Clinton, a classic asset, encountered White House
intern Monica Lewinsky?

Senator John McCain has long been a predictable asset. His political
career traces its origins to organized crime from the 1920s. It was
organized crime that first drew him to Arizona to run for Congress
four years before the 1986 retirement of Senator Barry Goldwater.

By marketing his “brand” as a Vietnam-era prisoner of war, he became a
reliable spokesman for Tel Aviv while being portrayed as a “war hero.”
No media outlet dares mention that Colonel Ted Guy, McCain’s
commanding officer while a POW, sought his indictment for treason for
his many broadcasts for the North Vietnamese that assured the death of
many U.S. airmen.

As a typical asset, it came as no surprise to see McCain and
Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, a self-professed Zionist, used to
market the phony intelligence that took us to war in Iraq. McCain’s
ongoing alliance with transnational organized crime spans three

His 1980’s advocacy for S&L crook Charles Keating of “The Keating 5”
finds a counterpart in his recent meetings with Russian-Israeli
mobster Oleg Deripaska who at age 40 held $40 billion in wealth
defrauded from his fellow Russians.

McCain conceded earlier this month in a town hall meeting in Tempe,
Arizona that he met in a small dinner in Switzerland with mega-thief
Deripaska and Lord Rothschild V.

For assets such as McCain to be indicted for treason, the American
public must grasp the critical role that such pliable personalities
play in political manipulations. McCain is a “poster boy” for how
assets are deployed to shape decisions such as those that took our
military to war. In the Information Age, if that’s not treason, what

The predictability of a politician’s conduct confirms his or her
qualifications as an asset. They are routinely developed and
“produced” over lengthy periods of time and then—as with John
McCain—maintained in key positions to influence decision-making as key

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was candid in his assessment four
weeks after 911. He may have been thinking about John McCain when he
made this revealing comment:

“I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American
pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the
Americans know it.” [October 3, 2001]

Indictments for Treason

Are assets culpable? Do they have the requisite intent to indict them
for treason? Does John McCain possess an evil mind? Did he betray this
nation of his own free will or is he typical of those assets with
personalities so weak and malleable that they can easily be

As federal grand juries are impaneled to identify and indict
participants in this trans-generational operation, how many sayanim
should the Federal Bureau of Investigation expect to uncover in the
U.S.? No one knows because this subtle form of treason is not yet well

Victor Ostrovksy, a former Mossad katsa (case officer) wrote in 1990
that the Mossad had 7,000 sayanim in London alone. In London’s 1990
population of 6.8 million, Israel’s all-volunteer corps represented
one-tenth of one percent of the residents of that capital city.

If Washington, DC is ten times more critical to Israel’s geopolitical
goals (an understatement), does that mean the FBI should expect to
find ten times more sayanim per capita in Washington?

What about sayanim in Manhattan, Miami, Beverly Hills, Atlanta,
Boston, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver,
Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Philadelphia,
Phoenix, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, Seattle, St. Louis, Tampa,

No one knows. And Tel Aviv is unlikely to volunteer the information.
This we know for certain: America has been played for the fool. And so
has our military.

This duplicity dates back well before British Foreign Secretary Alfred
Balfour wrote to an earlier Lord Rothschild in 1917 citing UK approval
for a “Jewish homeland.” In practical effect, that “homeland” now
ensures non-extradition for senior operatives in transnational
organized crime.

To date, America has blinded itself even to the possibility of such a
trans-generational operation inside our borders and imbedded inside
our government. Instead the toxic charge of “anti-Semitism” is
routinely hurled at those chronicling the “how” component of this
systemic treason.

Making this treason transparent is essential to restore U.S. national
security. That transparency may initially appear unfair to the many
moderate and secular Jews who join others appalled at this systemic
corruption of the U.S. political system.

Yet they are also concerned that somehow they may be portrayed as
guilty by association due to a shared faith tradition. That would be
not only unjust to them but also ineffective in identifying and
indicting those complicit.

This much is certain: a Democrat as president offers no real
alternative to a Republican on those issues affecting U.S. policy in
the Middle East.

Today’s corruption predates the duplicity in 1948 that induced Harry
Truman to extend recognition to this extremist enclave as a legitimate
nation state. Our troubles date from then.

That fateful decision must be revisited in light of what can now be
proven about the “how” of this ongoing duplicity—unless Americans want
to continue to be played for the fool.

A Vietnam veteran, Jeff Gates is a widely acclaimed author, attorney,
investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate
and union leaders worldwide. He served for seven years as counsel to
the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is widely published in the
trade, popular and academic press.


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